Recording of last speech “Remove your server with AWS Lambda”.
Continue reading Remove your server with AWS LambdaREST API is dead. Long live GraphQL
If you are interested in my speech about motivation for using GraphQL, see Backendisti #2 – REST API is dead. Long live GraphQL – Petr Ferschmann.
Want to see it in Czech?
WordPress and Node.JS
Czech version: WordPress a Node.JS.
Maybe you noticed today release of WordPress Calypso. It is a completely new administrative interface to WordPress (wp-admin). It is written in Node.JS and React. It’s a downloadable application that can be connected to your own WordPress installation. For full functionality you will need a JetPack plugin. At first look it can seem as weird announcement. What? JavaScript? And an Application?
But to me it seems like a logical step. Let me explain it to you.
Rockaway AWS Hackathon – how to have the biggest bill
This weekend I attended Rockaway AWS Hackathon. The topic of the event were technologies of Amazon Web Services. We use some of them in our company to run ABRA FlexiBee. But I wanted to see more of them. I was born megalomaniac so I was interested in technologies that will allow me to scale my applications to the sky.
Continue reading Rockaway AWS Hackathon – how to have the biggest bill
JavaScript is a new Java
Back in 2003 I was working in a company called Systinet. I was fascinated by the momentum that was happening around the Java programming language. Java was a language which innovations were made. Most of a new libraries, tools and programming attitudes were developed in Java.
New blog
After few years I am starting a new blog. I stopped writing the last one, because it was developer’s blog. And I stopped being an developer. And I wasn’t feeling that comfortable in my new role to write down ideas. I wasn’t sure that it will be interesting.
But some time passed since then and I think that now I have something to write.
Wish me luck 🙂