WordPress and Node.JS

Czech version: WordPress a Node.JS.

Maybe you noticed today release of WordPress Calypso. It is a completely new administrative interface to WordPress (wp-admin). It is written in Node.JS and React. It’s a downloadable application that can be connected to your own WordPress installation. For full functionality you will need a JetPack plugin. At first look it can seem as weird announcement. What? JavaScript? And an Application?

But to me it seems like a logical step. Let me explain it to you.

Continue reading WordPress and Node.JS

Rockaway AWS Hackathon – how to have the biggest bill

This weekend I attended Rockaway AWS Hackathon. The topic of the event were technologies of Amazon Web Services. We use some of them in our company to run ABRA FlexiBee. But I wanted to see more of them. I was born megalomaniac so I was interested in technologies that will allow me to scale my applications to the sky.

Continue reading Rockaway AWS Hackathon – how to have the biggest bill

New blog

After few years I am starting a new blog. I stopped writing the last one, because it was developer’s blog. And I stopped being an developer. And I wasn’t feeling that comfortable in my new role to write down ideas. I wasn’t sure that it will be interesting.

But some time passed since then and I think that now I have something to write.

Wish me luck 🙂
